Imagine you've just received a bonus at work or perhaps an unexpected inheritance. Suddenly, you can eliminate that monthly car payment that's been part of your budget. But should you?

Paying off your car loan early can be a smart move, freeing up your monthly budget and providing you with the satisfaction of owning your vehicle outright. Plus, you could save on the interest that would otherwise accumulate over the life of the loan. However, it's not a decision to be made lightly.

Early repayment can also have potential drawbacks, such as prepayment penalties or the lost opportunity to use that money for other financial priorities or investments. Ultimately, it's a balancing act between immediate relief and long-term financial strategy.

Advantages of Paying off Your Car Loan Early

Paying off your car loan early can offer several advantages that enhance your financial health and freedom. These may range from significant interest savings to increased financial flexibility, avoiding “upside-down” loans and the possibility of reduced insurance costs.

Interest Savings

When you pay off your car loan early, you can save a significant amount on interest. Car loans accrue interest over time; the longer your loan term, the more interest you'll pay. By paying off your loan early, you reduce the loan term and, subsequently, the total interest paid.

For example, let's say you have a $20,000 car loan with a 5% annual interest rate on a 60-month term. If you stick to the original payment schedule, you'll end up paying roughly $2,645 in interest over five years. However, if you were to pay off the loan in just 36 months, you'd pay around $1,574 in interest — that means potential savings of over $1,000.

Financial Flexibility

When you have a car loan, a portion of your monthly income is automatically allocated for that payment. This obligation can limit your financial flexibility, tying up funds that could otherwise be used for savings, investments or other expenses.

By paying off your car loan early, you eliminate this monthly obligation. This means the money you previously put towards your car loan is now freed up. You can redirect this money towards other financial goals. For instance, you might choose to increase your emergency fund, contribute more to your retirement savings, invest in the stock market or even save for a down payment on a house.

Avoiding “Upside-Down” Loans

An "upside-down" car loan occurs when your loan's outstanding balance is greater than your vehicle's current market value. This can happen due to many factors, including high interest rates, extended loan terms and the rapid depreciation of new cars.

You can avoid or mitigate these risks by paying off your car loan early. Making larger or extra payments reduces the principal balance of your loan more quickly, helping you stay ahead of the depreciation curve. This means you're more likely to have equity in your vehicle — where the car's value is higher than what you owe on it — throughout the life of the loan.

Lower Debt-To-Income Ratio

Your debt-to-income (DTI) ratio is a measure that lenders use to assess your ability to manage your monthly payments and repay borrowed money.

When you pay off your car loan early, you're eliminating a monthly debt payment and, subsequently, lowering your DTI ratio. This can have several benefits, including:

  • Improved loan chances: If you're planning to apply for other forms of credit, like a mortgage or a personal loan, a lower DTI ratio can improve your chances of approval. Lenders often view borrowers with lower DTI ratios as less risky.

  • Better interest rates: A lower DTI ratio can also help you secure better interest rates on loans, leading to significant savings over time.

You can calculate your DTI ratio by dividing your total monthly debt payments by your gross monthly income.

Reduced Insurance Costs

When you finance a car, your lender will typically require you to carry full coverage auto insurance to protect their investment in case of an accident. On top of liability coverage, a full coverage policy also provides comprehensive and collision coverage, which financially protects you against damages to your vehicle due to accidents, theft, vandalism and other incidents.

You technically own the vehicle outright once you've paid off your car loan. This means you're no longer required to maintain full coverage insurance to satisfy a lender. You can adjust your coverage based on your needs and risk tolerance. For instance, you might choose to drop collision and comprehensive coverage and maintain only liability coverage, which is generally less expensive.

Disadvantages of Paying off Your Car Loan Early

While paying off your car loan early can offer several benefits, it's essential to consider the potential disadvantages. These can include prepayment penalties, the opportunity cost of using the funds elsewhere and potential impact on your credit mix, all of which can influence your overall financial strategy.

Prepayment Penalties

Some car loans have prepayment penalties, which are fees you incur if you decide to pay off your loan early. These penalties are designed to compensate the lender for the interest they would lose if you pay off your loan ahead of schedule.

How much prepayment penalties cost depends on the lender and the loan terms. Some lenders charge a flat fee, whereas others calculate the prepayment penalty as a percentage of the remaining loan balance. For example, your loan agreement might stipulate a prepayment penalty of 2% of the remaining loan balance. If you have $10,000 left on your loan, the penalty for paying it off early would be $200.

Opportunity Cost

Opportunity cost refers to the potential benefits an individual, investor or business misses out on when choosing one alternative over another. In the context of paying off a car loan early, the opportunity cost is what you could have done with the money you used to pay off the loan.

For instance, let's say you have some extra money that you could use to pay off your car loan, but you also have the option to invest that money. If the interest rate on your car loan is low, and you believe you could get a higher return on an investment, the opportunity cost of paying off the loan early could be the potential earnings from that investment.

Impact on Credit Score

Paying off your car loan early can negatively impact your credit score due to the way credit scoring models work.

  • Credit mix: Your credit mix, or the variety of types of credit you have, accounts for about 10% of your FICO score. If your car loan is your only installment loan, paying it off early can hurt your credit mix and negatively impact your credit score.

  • Payment history: Your payment history is the most significant factor in your credit score, accounting for 35% of your FICO score. If you pay off your car loan early, you'll have fewer on-time payments reported to the credit bureaus, which could slow the growth of your credit score over time.

  • Length of credit: The length of your credit history, including the age of your oldest account and the average age of all your accounts, makes up 15% of your FICO score. If your car loan is one of your older accounts, paying it off could decrease the average age of your accounts, which could also have a slight negative impact on your credit score.

Before deciding to pay off your car loan early, consider your credit score and the types of credit you currently have.

When Does Paying Off Your Car Loan Early Make Sense

Deciding when to pay off your car loan early is crucial to managing your finances effectively. This decision should be based on various factors, including your financial situation, the terms of your loan and your long-term financial goals. We explored the optimal circumstances and timing for early car loan repayment.

  • You have a high-interest debt: If your car loan has a high interest rate, paying it off early can save you a significant amount in interest over the life of the loan.

  • You have a lump sum of money: If you've received a large sum, such as a bonus, tax refund or inheritance, you might consider using it to pay off your car loan. This can free up your monthly budget and save you money in interest.

  • Your loan has no prepayment penalty: If your car loan has no prepayment penalties, you can pay it off early without incurring any additional costs. This can make early repayment a more attractive option.

  • You're planning a major life change: If you're planning a significant life change such as retiring, going back to school or starting a family, paying off your car loan early can be beneficial

If these situations apply, paying off your car loan early can reduce your monthly expenses and make your financial situation more manageable.

What To Consider Before Paying off Your Car Loan Early

Before paying off your car loan early, it's important to consider some essential factors that can impact your decision. These include your financial situation, loan terms and goals.

  • Financial situation: Consider your current financial situation. Do you have enough savings to cover emergencies? Are you carrying high-interest debt? For example, if you have high-interest credit card debt, it might make more sense to pay that off before your car loan. If you don't have an emergency fund, consider building one before paying off your car loan.

  • Loan terms: Reviewing the terms of your car loan is critical. What's the interest rate? Is there a prepayment penalty? If your interest rate is low and there's a prepayment penalty — it might not make financial sense to pay off your loan early.

  • Long-term financial goals: Consider your long-term financial goals. Are you planning to buy a house, start a business or return to school? If so, you might want to save your money for these goals rather than paying off your car loan early.

  • Peace of mind: Finally, consider your peace of mind. Some people feel stressed or uncomfortable carrying debt. If paying off your car loan early would significantly reduce your stress or improve your mental well-being, it might be worth it even if it doesn't make the most sense financially.

Everyone's situation is different; what makes sense for one person might not for another. It's always a good idea to consult with a financial advisor before making major financial decisions.

How To Pay Off Your Car Loan Early

If you've decided that paying off your car loan early aligns with your financial goals, there are several strategies you can do to achieve this.

  • Make extra payments: One of the simplest ways to pay off your car loan early is to make extra payments. This could mean making a half-payment every two weeks instead of one full one each month, which results in an additional whole payment over the course of a year.

  • Make a large lump sum payment: If you come into some extra money like a bonus or inheritance, consider using it to make a large payment on your car loan. This can significantly reduce your principal balance, which means you'll pay less interest over the life of the loan. However, before making a large payment, check to see if your loan has any prepayment penalties.

  • Round up payments: Rounding up your payments is a simple strategy that can help you pay off your loan faster without significantly impacting your budget. For example, if your monthly payment is $275, you could round it up to $300. This extra $25 per month will add up over time and help you pay off your loan early.

These methods can help you reduce your debt faster, save on interest and gain the financial freedom that comes with owning your car outright.

Frequently Asked Questions

Navigating the decision to pay off your car loan early can often lead to a variety of questions. We've answered some frequently asked questions below to help you make the most informed decision.

Does paying off a car loan early hurt your credit?

Should you pay off your car loan early if you have other debts?

Will paying off your car loan early lower your insurance costs?

What are the penalties for paying off a car loan early?

What are some strategies for paying off a car loan early?

About Christopher Boston

Christopher Boston headshot

Christopher (Croix) Boston was the Head of Loans content at MoneyGeek, with over five years of experience researching higher education, mortgage and personal loans.

Boston has a bachelor's degree from the Seattle Pacific University. They pride themselves in using their skills and experience to create quality content that helps people save and spend efficiently.

Shield Insurance

The content on this page is accurate as of the posting/last updated date; however, some of the rates mentioned may have changed. We recommend visiting the lender's website for the most up-to-date information available.

Editorial Disclosure: Opinions, reviews, analyses and recommendations are the author’s alone and have not been reviewed, endorsed or approved by any bank, lender or other entity. Learn more about our editorial policies and expert editorial team.

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