Many Americans who experience financial difficulties due to unemployment turn to their credit cards to pay for different expenses. But that isn't unique to the unemployed. Consider this — the average American credit card holder carried $5,769 in credit card debt in the first quarter of 2022.
Finding credit cards for the unemployed is possible — whether you don’t have a job due to being laid off, are a student, a recent graduate, a retiree or a stay-at-home spouse. But you need to meet income requirements and demonstrate an ability to make payments.
It’s also important to keep in mind that accumulating credit card debt when you’re unemployed might lead to financial problems down the road.
If you’re unable to get a credit card on your own, you may want to consider getting one with a co-signer or becoming an authorized user on someone else’s card. The main difference between the two is that you’re equally liable to pay the debt as a co-signer but not an authorized user.