If you feel you might have too much credit card debt, start by determining exactly where you stand. Then, consider how you could go about paying off your existing debt in a quick and cost-efficient manner. For instance, using a balance transfer card may help you save on interest charges. In general, remember that developing good credit management habits can help you steer clear of getting into too much credit card debt once more.
According to data collected by MoneyGeek, the average American credit card debt in the second quarter of 2021 stood at $2,836. This was down from $3,260 in the first quarter of 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic had started making inroads and a significant number of Americans turned to their credit cards to meet a variety of expenses.
Unfortunately, things have not improved substantially. The annual inflation rate for the country from August 2021 to August 2022 stood at 8.3%. This has made most purchases more expensive than they were a year ago. However, since incomes have not kept pace with inflation, it’s common to see people using their credit cards more than before to manage their expenses. If you find yourself in this boat, it’s essential to keep a close eye on your credit utilization ratio because it can have a negative impact on your credit score.