Credit cards can be confusing. Understanding the essential terminology or how the Federal Reserve’s rates impact your account can be a lot to process. And, if you’re working on paying down debt or trying to better manage your finances, it’s not always clear what the best path forward is when it comes to credit cards and interest rates.
One of the key terms you’ll need to know is APR, which means “annual percentage rate.” This is the yearly interest rate you pay for borrowing money. The current average interest rate for credit cards is 14.39% —though it could be higher or lower depending on the strength of your credit score and your overall credit report.
There are different types of APR for purchases, cash advances, balance transfers, penalties and more. A good interest rate is 17%, the average is 19.49% and a bad interest rate is 24% (or higher). Learn more about credit card APR and interest rates to help you better manage and maintain your debt, finances and credit score.