At MoneyGeek, we know that details matter. The right credit cards not only save you money but also provide peace of mind. You can rely on our credit card ratings whether you're shopping for a new card or simply checking to see if there's a better option than your current one. Here’s why:
We collect 32 data points for over 240 of the most popular cards in the US, from redemption rate options to penalty APRs. These data points are used directly or in calculated values, such as the rate of return on an introductory cash back offer. We update our card data almost daily and assess each card every 90 days.
We focus on value, not the marketing copy. We develop our ratings by calculating the economic value of each card's offerings, from the worth of rewards points to access to airport lounges. Then, we match these values with our in-house consumer spending models based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Expenditure Survey.
Our team adheres to editorial standards, so you can be confident that our advice is unbiased and fact-based.