MoneyGeek's Expert Guidelines

Updated: August 20, 2024

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At MoneyGeek, we’re dedicated to simplifying personal finance. Consumers often face complex financial decisions in the dark. We think everyone deserves information and tools to navigate their financial lives and improve their financial health.

To achieve our mission, we turn to the experts.

Our expert contributors include nationally recognized professors and other leaders from top-tier institutions including Harvard, University of Southern California, Carnegie Mellon, and from organizations like the National Bureau of Economic Research, the American Bankruptcy Institute, and Consumer Federation of America.

We adhere to strict standards of journalistic ethics. We strive to always be fair and accurate, honest and transparent. We always aim to give our readers insights they can use to improve their financial health.

A few of our experts' nationally recognized institutions


Our Writers

Our seasoned writers collectively bring decades of journalism, writing, and industry experience. Our writers have written books and contributed to outlets like CNN Money, Forbes, Consumer Reports, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, USA Today, CNBC, and MarketWatch. They’re well-versed in financial planning, investments, debt, mortgages, insurance, bankruptcy, and financial literacy.

Can you tell we’re proud of our team? We trust you’ll appreciate working with them, too.

Meet our Writers

See who you’ll be working with if you join our cadre of experts.

Gina Pogol
Personal Finance and Mortgage Specialist
Deb Gordon
CEO, Umbra Health Advocacy
Geoff Williams
Finance Journalist
Poonum Desai

MoneyGeek Resources

As MoneyGeek, we create original, useful content that helps people make sound financial decisions and navigate economic issues.

Our personal finance guides cover a wide range of topics to help people in all sorts of situations, from parents teaching kids about finance or managing financial aspects of caring for kids with special needs to people managing student debt or lost wages and tight budgets during the pandemic.

We also love data and making sense of economic trends that affect our daily lives. Our data geeks take deep dives into any large economic data set they can get their hands on. They make unique connections between data elements to shed light on the major economic issues of our times.

For example, Huffington Post covered our work on racial disparities in auto insurance rates.

Our analysis of job losses and recoveries by state in the pandemic shed light on the economic impact of COVID-19 on state economies and how control of the virus relates to economic indicators.

Our analysis on bankruptcies in the pandemic appeared in The Guardian.

In our data work, experts share valuable insights that help readers understand economic issues in new ways.

Expert Privacy Guidelines

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We take privacy and security extremely seriously. We respect and protect the privacy of those who visit or use our website. We collect information from our experts in order to publish expert profiles in relevant articles. We do not share any personal information with outside companies for their promotional use.

MoneyGeek experts share their own independent perspectives and analysis. Their views do not necessarily represent the views of MoneyGeek or their institution.

We never ask experts to endorse any product or service, nor do we accept expert commentary that endorses specific products. We seek experts who can educate and inform our readers, not to promote specific products or companies.

Expert FAQs

Is there a cost associated with expert commentary?

No. There is no cost associated with contributing to our site. We appreciate your expertise and believe our readers benefit from expert wisdom and perspective.

Are expert sources paid?

No. In accordance with standard journalistic practices, we do not pay sources for their contributions.

Who else contributes to MoneyGeek?

If you contribute your expertise to MoneyGeek, you’ll be in great company.

MoneyGeek articles and guides include commentary from economists, financial planners, policy experts, attorneys, consumer advocates, and executives.

Our experts are affiliated with institutions such as Harvard University, University of Southern California, University of California Berkeley, Dartmouth College, Georgetown University, Howard University, George Washington University, Rutgers Business School, Carnegie Mellon, University of South Carolina, University of Wisconsin, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Creighton University, and King’s College London.

We have also welcomed experts from organizations such as the National Consumer Bankruptcy Rights Center, Washington Center for Equitable Growth, American Bankruptcy Institute, Money Management International, and Public Consulting Group among others.

Our expert ranks are growing all the time. We’re always looking for new voices with unique expertise and perspectives.

What kind of experts does MoneyGeek look for?

We cover a wide range of topics, basically anything that could affect consumers’ financial health. We often interview experts about their specific research or unique areas of expertise. Our experts also share their perspective on broader financial, economic, and policy topics. We welcome contributions as narrow or broad as our experts feel comfortable sharing.

How does MoneyGeek use expert commentary?

Like with any journalistic outlet, we tap into experts to provide insights, analysis, and perspective that help explain important issues or trends. We aim to empower consumers to make sound financial decisions, and to improve their understanding of the economic trends. Our experts help readers make sense of complex financial and economic issues.

What do I need to do as a MoneyGeek expert contributor?

We simply want your perspective on the topics we cover. One of our writers will connect with you to ask you specific questions for a specific article. We’ll ask you to complete a simple bio form so our readers can see your affiliation, a brief bio, any awards or honors you’ve earned, your social media handles and website, and a headshot.

What does MoneyGeek do?

We’re dedicated to helping empower consumers to make educated financial decisions. We offer explanations that go deep enough to educate people but at a level that makes it easy for consumers to understand. We offer step-by-step instructions, checklists, and guides to the trickiest and most important financial decisions consumers face. We bring experts to a consumer audience to help people figure out what’s best for their financial lives.

At MoneyGeek, we put the news into context for consumers so they can make sound financial decisions. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve dedicated our resources to helping consumers navigate these historically challenging times. See our COVID-19 resources and analyses here.

We partner with multiple syndication channels to help distribute our great content. MSN, MoneyWise, and other newspapers often run our articles.

How does MoneyGeek make money?

We work with advertisers who offer financial services. Advertisers pay for inclusion on our site, which we disclose on every page. Our partners may influence how and where products appear on our site, but we ensure their services align with our main goal: providing consumers with a wide variety of thoroughly researched resources. As always, our aim is to empower consumers to make informed financial decisions.

How do I become a MoneyGeek expert?

We’re glad you asked. You can start by letting us know your area/s of expertise via this expertise form. When we tap into your expertise and get ready to publish your comments, we’ll ask you to fill out a simple bio form in order to source you correctly.

For more information or if you have other questions, please contact Myla Valencia at to get started.

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Do you have expertise in topics related to personal finance and broader economic trends? Please get in touch. We’d love to meet you and see if we can share your voice with our readers.

Please contact Myla Valencia at to get started.

About Katherine Kurtz, PhD

Katherine Kurtz, PhD headshot

Katherine Kurtz, Ph.D., is the Managing Editor at MoneyGeek, with 15 years of experience in academic and content editing. She holds a doctorate in philosophy from Villanova University, where she also worked as an adjunct professor and the managing editor of Hypatia, a peer-reviewed feminist philosophy journal.

Kurtz believes in "education as a practice of freedom" (bell hooks) and seeks to empower herself and others by openly sharing financial knowledge and resources.