Should prospective homeowners consider climate risks when picking a location?

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Should home buyers take emerging climate risks into consideration when choosing a place to live?

Hello! My name is Avery, and I am currently in the process of searching for a new home. Given the increasing concerns around climate change and its impact on various regions, should I, as a prospective home buyer, consider emerging climate risks when selecting a place to live, and what specific factors related to climate should I take into account to ensure a safe and sustainable living environment?

Dec 27, 2024 | Avery Flores, Orlando, Florida
Mark Fitzpatrick
Head of Insurance, MoneyGeekUpdated December 27, 2024

Understanding climate risks is fundamental to anticipating what living in a new place will be like, for health, financial and safety reasons. For example, hotter summers might mean increased cooling costs and less time outdoors, while extreme events like heatwaves or cold snaps might strain electrical grids and put vulnerable residents especially at risk. While a particular property might be safe from flood risk, surrounding roads might become impassable during a storm. Homebuyers should understand their exposure to climate change to make an informed decision about where to buy, how to protect themselves, and what their local government is doing to reduce their risks.