Does a HELOC Affect Your Credit Score?

A HELOC can impact your credit score in several ways. A HELOC application involves a hard credit inquiry, which can cause a temporary dip in your score. Once approved, responsible usage, like keeping a low balance relative to your credit limit and making timely payments, can positively influence your score. High utilization or missed payments can negatively affect it. Regardless, a HELOC can be a powerful financial tool, whether it's for sprucing up your home, paying off debts or covering significant expenses.

Thankfully, originating a HELOC typically has a minimal impact on your credit score, usually resulting in a decrease of less than five points. However, you need to consider the effect of a HELOC on your credit score from the outset. We'll walk you through how HELOCs impact your credit scores, examining each stage from application to closure and how it affects your credit standing. Our guide provides valuable insights and strategies to harness the benefits of a HELOC while safeguarding your credit score.

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Home equity loans and HELOCs both let you borrow against your home's value, but they work differently. A home equity loan gives you a lump sum of money upfront, with a fixed interest rate. A HELOC works more like a credit card; you can borrow what you need up to a certain limit, and they typically have variable interest rates.

In the HELOC vs. home equity loan debate, flexibility is key. HELOCs are great for ongoing expenses, like a long-term renovation project, because you can draw funds as needed. With their fixed repayments, home equity loans are ideal for one-time expenses with a known cost, such as a home improvement, paying for a wedding or consolidating debt. Your choice depends on your financial needs and how you prefer to manage your repayments.

How a HELOC Application Affects Your Credit Score

When you apply for a HELOC, lenders conduct a hard credit inquiry. They thoroughly examine your credit history to determine your eligibility for lending. This differs from a soft inquiry, which is a less detailed check that doesn't impact your credit score, such as when you personally check your credit.

A hard inquiry can slightly lower your credit score because applying for new credit shows that you are looking to take on more debt. Fortunately, a HELOC’s effect on your credit score is usually small — typically less than five points. This inquiry stays on your credit report for up to two years, but its impact on your score decreases over time.

How Using a HELOC Affects Your Credit

Using a HELOC can affect your credit score for better or worse. Understanding the effect of a HELOC on credit score is important because it's not just about the money you borrow, but how you manage it. Knowing this can help you use it to your advantage without harming your credit health. Let's break down how using a HELOC impacts various aspects of your credit:

  • High Utilization and Credit Score: Using a large portion of your HELOC can increase your credit utilization ratio — how much you owe compared to your credit limit. High utilization tells lenders you're a higher-risk borrower, potentially lowering your credit score. Keeping your HELOC balance low is generally better for your credit health.

  • Timely Payments Are Crucial: Like with any loan or credit card, late payments on a HELOC can harm your credit score. On-time payments, however, can build a positive payment history, boosting your credit.

  • Diversifying Credit Types: Having a HELOC adds a different type of credit to your report, which can be good. Credit diversity can improve your score, as it shows you can handle various types of debt responsibly.

  • Risks of Defaulting on a HELOC: Failing to repay your HELOC, or defaulting, can have serious consequences. It can significantly damage your credit score and make it harder to obtain credit in the future.

A HELOC can be a double-edged sword for your credit. Used wisely, it can enhance your credit profile. However, mismanagement can lead to negative consequences. Remember, a HELOC is a responsibility that requires careful, consistent management to influence your credit standing positively.


When considering a HELOC or any other form of home loan, it's best to shop around between a few different providers to ensure you get the best rate, fees and terms. To properly comparison shop, you will need to apply to a few lenders. Contain your lender shopping within a finite window of time in order to limit any negative impacts on your credit score. Credit agencies will see that you are applying to multiple lenders for a similar product — doing your best due diligence — and not penalize you for each application. Shopping for lenders within a short window, such as a week or two, has a minimal and short-lasting impact on your score. Not to mention, making on-time payments on your new loan will help erase any recent score declines. — Timothy Manni, Mortgage and Real Estate Consultant

Does an Unused HELOC Affect Your Credit?

Does an unused HELOC affect your credit score? Very little. An inactive HELOC doesn't harm your credit score. It can offer some benefits, like contributing to a lower credit utilization ratio or adding to your credit mix. It also shows you have access to credit that you're not overusing, which can be a positive sign to lenders.

If you have an unused HELOC and are concerned about its impact, you can close it. But remember, closing a HELOC can affect your credit score temporarily, increasing your utilization ratio if you have balances on other accounts. It can lower your score since you'll have less available credit. So, weighing the pros and cons before deciding to close your unused HELOC is essential.

How a HELOC Helps Improve Your Credit Score

A HELOC, when managed smartly, can be a tool to boost your credit score. That turns it into a financial product into a strategic asset. Let's look at how a HELOC can work in your favor for credit enhancement.

  • Responsible Credit Utilization: By using a small portion of your HELOC and paying it off, you show responsible credit usage. This gradual and controlled utilization can reflect positively on your credit score.

  • Improving Payment History After High Credit Card Balances: Using a HELOC to pay off high credit card balances can quickly improve your payment history on those cards, positively impacting your credit score.

  • Positive Long-term Effects Post-Hard Inquiry: The initial dip in your score due to the hard inquiry of a HELOC application can be offset over time. Consistent, responsible use can lead to a net positive effect on your credit score.

  • Debt Consolidation Benefits: Using a HELOC to consolidate higher-interest debts into one lower-interest account can lead to more manageable monthly payments, contributing to a better payment history and credit score.

  • Potential for Lower Interest Rate: If a HELOC offers a lower interest rate compared to other credit sources, it can encourage lower-cost borrowing. That leads to more sustainable debt management and a positive effect on your credit score.

Using a HELOC to improve credit score can be a smart strategy, provided you understand the nuances of credit management. Proper use of a HELOC can pave the way for a healthier credit score, unlocking more financial opportunities in the future.

Closing A HELOC and Its Effect On Credit

Closing a HELOC can have a noticeable impact on your credit score. Though it can stay on your credit report for years, it does not affect credit history; it immediately impacts credit utilization. When you close a HELOC, you lose that line of credit. Without it, you might be using a higher percentage of your remaining available credit, which can lower your score.

It may also cause a short-term dip because it changes your credit mix, another factor in calculating your score.

Timing is important when closing a HELOC. Here are two scenarios that illustrate how knowing when to close a HELOC can affect your credit and overall credit health.

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You're in a solid financial position, with your HELOC mostly paid off and no significant loans on the horizon. Closing your HELOC now makes sense. This move aligns with a period of low credit demand, minimizing the impact on your credit score. Plus, it signals a shift towards reducing debt and simplifying your finances. It's a smart decision that reflects careful planning and a commitment to maintaining financial stability.

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You're eyeing a new mortgage or auto loan and decide to close your HELOC just before. This hasty decision can lead to a temporary dip in your credit score right when you need it the most. Such timing can affect the terms of your new loan or even your approval odds. You might face higher interest rates or struggle to secure the loan you need. This scenario underscores the importance of considering the broader impact of closing a HELOC, mainly when other borrowing plans are in play.

Protecting Your Credit Score When You Have a HELOC

While a HELOC can initially cause your credit score to dip, it's not a fixed fate. It's important to understand how a HELOC impacts your score, and it's just as important to protect that score over the lifetime of the loan. We provide several strategies to safeguard your credit, and uphold a robust credit score, while leveraging your HELOC optimally.

Managing a HELOC in Tough Times

Meet Emily, an architect who's been using her HELOC to fund a home renovation. She's managed her repayments well, balancing them with her regular expenses. However, Emily recently faced a setback: her work hours were reduced, leading to a temporary income drop.

This income change meant Emily had to rethink her finances. Her HELOC, once a convenient resource for her renovation, now posed a challenge. She began by scrutinizing her budget, cutting down on non-essential expenses and prioritizing her financial obligations. Emily focused on maintaining at least the minimum payments on her HELOC to avoid late fees and negative marks on her credit report.

Analysis of Emily's HELOC Management:

Emily's mindful approach to managing her HELOC was crucial in maintaining her credit score. Her careful budgeting allowed her to keep up with her HELOC payments, a critical factor in avoiding adverse impacts on her credit. By ensuring that she continued to make at least the minimum payments on her HELOC, Emily avoided late fees and the potential for negative reports to credit agencies. Her decision to prioritize her financial commitments, especially towards her HELOC, safeguarded her credit health amidst a challenging financial situation.

Meeting Unexpected Financial Challenges Head-On

Jack is a school teacher who's been using his HELOC for minor home improvements. His financial management has been spot-on, with regular payments and careful tracking of his expenses. However, Jack's situation takes a sudden turn when he's faced with an unexpected roof repair after a severe storm, a hefty expense he hadn't planned for.

Despite the surprise, Jack doesn't let this derail his financial stability. He had already used a portion of his HELOC for home improvements, but he had managed to keep his overall debt low and payments on time. Faced with this new expense, Jack assesses his options. He decides to use some of his remaining HELOC funds to cover the roof repair, recognizing that it's necessary to protect his home investment.

Analysis of Jack's HELOC Management

Jack's prudent management of his HELOC before the emergency put him in a favorable position to handle the unexpected expense. Maintaining low debt and making regular payments meant he had enough credit to cover the roof repair without maxing out his HELOC. By using it for the repair, Jack avoided additional high-interest debt, which could have strained his finances even more.

Jack's foresight in financial planning and ability to adapt to unexpected expenses demonstrated how strategic use of a HELOC can help navigate financial hurdles without harming credit health.

Navigating Rising Interest

Sara, a freelance writer, had taken out a HELOC to fund her master's degree. She'd been managing her repayments well, thanks to a steady flow of writing projects. Sara's HELOC had a variable interest rate, which had been quite low initially, making her monthly payments affordable. However, the economic landscape shifted, and interest rates started to rise, significantly increasing her monthly HELOC payments.

Confronted with these higher costs, Sara needed to adapt quickly to maintain her financial stability. She reviewed her monthly budget, identifying areas where she could cut back to accommodate the increased payments. Sara also ramped up her work, taking on additional writing projects to boost her income. These measures, although demanding, were necessary to keep up with her new payment schedule.

Analysis of Sara's HELOC Management

Sara's proactive response to the rising interest rates helped her maintain a good standing on her HELOC. By adjusting her budget and increasing her income, she met the higher payment demands without falling behind. This was crucial in preserving her credit score, as late or missed payments on a HELOC can lead to significant credit score damage.

Additionally, her ability to adapt to the changing interest rates demonstrated to lenders her reliability and commitment to meeting her obligations. This helped maintain her current credit score and built a positive reputation with her lender. Sara's story highlights the importance of flexibility and quick action in response to changing financial circumstances, especially with variable-rate financial products like HELOCs.

Planning for the End of the Draw Period

Alex, a small business owner, used his HELOC primarily to invest in his café, from renovations to equipment upgrades. His draw period, where he could borrow funds as needed, was nearing its end. That meant Alex was about to enter the repayment period, where he needed to start paying back what he had borrowed, plus interest.

Aware of this transition, Alex began to plan ahead. He had been cautious with his HELOC, using it strategically for investments that boosted his business revenue. As the end of the draw period approached, Alex reviewed his finances, assessing his business income and personal savings. He also consulted with his lender to understand the changes in his payment structure and how they would impact his budget.

Analysis of Alex's HELOC Management

Alex's foresight in planning for the end of the draw period was key in maintaining his credit score. By using the HELOC funds judiciously and boosting his business income, he ensured that he had the financial capacity to meet the new repayment terms. His engagement with the lender for a clear understanding of the repayment phase helped him adjust his budget accordingly, avoiding surprises and missed payments.

His proactive approach in preparing for the repayment phase meant that Alex could smoothly transition without hiccups in his payment history. Consistent and timely payments are crucial for credit health. Alex's strategy ensured that his credit score remained stable during this transition. This scenario underscores the importance of planning and communication in managing a HELOC, especially as one moves from the flexibility of the draw period to the structured repayment phase.

Consolidating Debt with a HELOC

Liam, a high school teacher, had accumulated various high-interest debts, including credit card balances and a personal loan. He used his HELOC, initially obtained for home improvements, to consolidate these debts. The lower interest rate of the HELOC compared to his other debts made this an attractive option. Liam's goal was to streamline his finances and reduce the overall interest he was paying, making his debt more manageable.

With this consolidation, Liam carefully mapped out his repayment plan. He understood that simply transferring his debt to the HELOC didn't erase it — it just restructured it under better terms. Liam set up a strict budget to ensure timely payments on his HELOC. He avoided accruing any new debt during this period.

Analysis of Liam's HELOC Management

Liam effectively lowered his monthly payments and interest burden by consolidating his higher-interest debts into the HELOC. It made his debt more manageable and positively impacted his credit utilization ratio. With lower monthly payments, Liam could allocate funds more efficiently, ensuring he did not miss any payments.

Liam's disciplined approach to avoiding new debt was also crucial. It prevented his credit utilization from creeping back up, which could have negatively affected his credit score. His commitment to a well-planned budget and regular payments demonstrated financial responsibility, which is favorable for credit health.

HELOC Alternatives

While a HELOC offers flexibility, it may not suit everyone's needs, especially considering its impact on credit scores, akin to many other financial products. For instance, if you're not comfortable with a HELOC's variable interest rates or are not disciplined enough to manage the revolving credit line, it might lead to financial strain and hurt your credit. Those who need funds for a one-time expense might also find the open-ended nature of a HELOC challenging to manage.

For these situations, other financing products might have a less pronounced impact on your credit score. Let's compare some of these options:

How It Can Help Your Credit Score
When to Avoid

Offers stability with fixed interest rates and payments, aiding in easier credit management.

Not suitable for borrowers who need flexible access to funds or who may not need the entire lump sum.

Can improve debt-to-income ratio and credit utilization with lower monthly payments.

Avoid if you're close to paying off your mortgage or if the refinancing costs outweigh the benefits.

Consolidating debts into the mortgage can improve credit utilization and simplify payments.

Not ideal for those who don't want to reset their mortgage term or increase the total loan amount on their home.

Fixed repayment terms and rates can simplify budgeting and credit planning.

Not the best option for those needing larger loan amounts or longer repayment terms than offered.

Credit Card with Promotional Rates

Utilizing low-interest periods for major purchases can help maintain a lower credit utilization ratio, positively influencing your credit score.

Risky for those who can't repay the balance before the end of the promotional period, leading to high interest.

HELOC alternatives like home equity loans or personal loans may be more suitable depending on your financial habits and needs. Understanding your options allows you to make a more informed decision that aligns with your financial goals and credit health.

FAQ About a HELOC’s Impact On Your Credit Score

We've answered frequently asked questions to further explore how a HELOC influences your credit score. Whether you're considering applying for a HELOC, currently managing one or simply seeking to enhance your financial literacy, these insights will provide clarity and guidance.

Can applying for a HELOC lower my credit score?
Is my HELOC included in my credit utilization ratio?
How can I tell what's hurting my credit scores?
Does the amount I borrow with my HELOC affect my credit score?
How does the repayment phase of a HELOC influence my credit score?
Can a HELOC help me improve my credit score? If so, how?
What happens to my credit score if I max out my HELOC?
How long does a HELOC stay on my credit report?
What should I do if I'm struggling to make HELOC payments without hurting my credit score?

About Zachary Romeo, CBCA

Zachary Romeo, CBCA headshot

Zachary Romeo is a certified Commercial Banking and Credit Analyst (CBCA), and the Head of Loans and Banking at MoneyGeek. Previously, he led production teams for some of the largest online informational resources in higher education, with over 13 years of experience in editorial production.

Romeo has a bachelor's degree in biological engineering from Cornell University. He geeks out on minimizing personal debt and helping others do the same through people-first content.