
Car insurance rates on MoneyGeek are based on the analysis of a significant amount of data and information from state departments of insurance and Quadrant Information Services.

Average car insurance costs are based on selected inputs for an average driver in a specific area. Individual quotes differ based on several factors, including driving record, vehicle type, coverage amounts and other information.

The average driver profile is based on the following persona:

  • 40-year-old male
  • Clean driving record
  • Comprehensive and collision coverage of 100/300/100 with a $1,000 deductible
  • 2010 Toyota Camry LE
  • 12k miles driven annually

The sample comprehensive and collision policy provides coverage of $100,000 bodily injury liability per person, $300,000 bodily injury liability per accident and $100,000 property damage liability.

To calculate cost estimates for specific rating factors beyond the average driver, MoneyGeek altered the driver profile based on common pricing factors utilized by most car insurance companies. These factors include, but are not limited to, location, driving record, credit score, age and gender. Unless otherwise stated, the driver profile is consistent with the exception of the individual factor being evaluated for each scenario.


Every driver is unique. Insurance premium costs are impacted by several factors; therefore, we recommend obtaining an individualized quote from multiple car insurance companies.

Our data is representative of quality, publicly sourced information, but should not be interpreted as bindable.

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