MoneyGeek determined Utah’s best workers’ compensation insurance by assessing insurance companies’ affordability, customer satisfaction, financial stability and online quote process. The Hartford bested other insurers in our study based on these metrics.

Utah requires that any business with employers carry workers’ compensation insurance. It is a financial safety net for employers if an employee suffers a work-related injury or illness, covering medical bills and lost wages.

Why Trust MoneyGeek? We collected 677 workers’ compensation insurance quotes and analyzed cost information alongside customer satisfaction and financial stability reports to determine the best workers’ compensation insurance companies for small businesses in Utah.

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Coverage costs and company information for workers' compensation insurance providers in Utah were last updated in 2023.

Quotes Analyzed
Companies Compared
ZIP Codes

Best Workers’ Compensation Insurance in Utah

The Hartford is the best overall workers' compensation insurance provider in Utah, receiving a MoneyGeek score of 94 out of 100. On average, a policy costs $103 per month, but this can change depending on your business needs.

How was this MoneyGeek score calculated?

The HartfordBest Overall in Utah




Customer Satisfaction


Financial Stability


Online Quote Process

Geek Quick Take
Geek Quick Take
  • Costs an average of $103 per month
  • Excellent customer satisfaction
  • A+ (Superior) financial stability from AM Best
More About The Hartford

The Hartford has been around since 1810. Due in part to its long history in the industry, it has a reputation for excellent customer service and superior financial strength. Together, these indicate that The Hartford consistently meets customer expectations and its financial obligations. Its workers’ comp insurance is among the most affordable at roughly $103 per month. Interested buyers can get an online quote in less than a minute and a half.





Customer Satisfaction


Financial Stability


Online Quote Process

Geek Quick Take
Geek Quick Take
  • Monthly premiums average $74
  • Get online quotes in seconds
More About Pie

Founded in 2017, Pie Insurance offers workers’ comp insurance in Utah at an affordable cost of $74 per month. Plus, interested buyers can get a quote online in less than a minute. When it comes to financial stability, Pie Insurance earned an A- (Excellent) rating from AM Best, indicating that it’s financially sound. However, the other companies in our comparison group have higher AM best ratings. Pie also receives the highest volume of complaints among its competitors.


Cheapest Workers’ Compensation Insurance in Utah

Pie Insurance offers the lowest average rate for workers’ compensation insurance in Utah at $74 per month. Your actual rate may vary depending on various factors, including employee count and payroll. In this category, our winner is the cheapest option in the state for businesses with 20 employees and $1,250,000 in annual payroll costs.

MoneyGeek Top Pick


We picked Pie Insurance for the cheapest workers’ comp insurance in Utah, with an average cost of $74 per month or $878 per year for businesses with 20 employees and $1,250,000 in annual payroll costs. Although affordability is crucial when looking for coverage, it’s important to consider other factors to determine whether an insurer is the right option for your business needs. For instance, Pie Insurance receives a high rate of customer complaints.

We ranked insurance companies based on their average monthly cost, but the least expensive option for you may vary based on certain factors. The table below shows the annual and monthly costs for insuring a business with 20 employees in Utah.

The Hartford$103$1,230

Best Workers’ Compensation Insurance for Micro Businesses in Utah

The Hartford offers the best workers’ comp insurance for businesses with five employees at approximately $46 per month.

While employee count affects insurance costs, payroll has more of an impact on premiums. We determined the best workers’ comp for Utah micro businesses (those with less than 10 employees) by collecting quotes for a business with five employees and annual payroll of $312,500.

MoneyGeek Top Pick

The Hartford

The Hartford’s blend of affordability and quality service makes it our top pick for workers’ comp insurance for micro businesses in Utah. Businesses with five employees and annual payroll costs of $312,500 can expect to spend around $46 per month or $552 per year for coverage, the second-cheapest average rate in the state. The Hartford also receives the lowest rate of customer complaints among insurers in our study, indicating strong customer satisfaction.

Best Workers’ Compensation Insurance for Midsize Businesses in Utah

The Hartford offers the best workers’ compensation insurance for midsize businesses in Utah, costing an average of $419 per month.

In addition to employee count, payroll significantly affects the cost of workers’ comp. We gathered quotes for a business with 100 employees and an annual payroll of $6,250,000 to select our winner in this category.

MoneyGeek Top Pick

The Hartford

Our top choice, The Hartford, offers workers’ comp insurance in Utah at an average cost of $419 per month or $5,030 per year. It’s priced at the middle of the pack for businesses with 100 employees and annual payroll costs of $6,250,000. Based on the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) complaint index, The Hartford receives fewer complaints than the average insurer, making it ideal for insurance buyers who value service quality.

How Much Is Workers’ Compensation Insurance in Utah?

Workers’ compensation insurance in Utah for businesses with 20 employees costs an average of $111 per month, less than the national average cost of $168 per month. Our sample policy limits are as follows:

  • $1 million total policy limit
  • $1 million per accident limit
  • $1 million per employee limit

The policy will cover up to $1 million for a single accident and $1 million for every employee, up to the total policy limit of $1 million.

Employee count and payroll are the main factors impacting the cost of workers’ comp insurance. The table below shows how the average cost of a policy in Utah changes based on the employee count.

How was this cost calculated?


Factors That Impact Workers’ Compensation Costs in Utah

The cost of workers’ compensation insurance varies from one business to another based on various factors. These include payroll, employee count, employee class code and claims history.

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    Payroll costs

    Generally, businesses pay a rate for every $100 of payroll. This rate is set at the state level and differs by industry. Businesses with higher payroll costs often have more expensive premiums than those with lower payroll expenses. In 2022, Utah charged $0.86 for every $100 of payroll, less than most states.

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    Number of employees

    The number of employees can significantly affect the cost of workers’ comp insurance. Businesses with large employee counts face a higher risk of employees getting injured or sick in the workplace. As such, insurance companies tend to charge them higher premiums.

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    Employee class code

    Insurance companies use class codes to identify the type of work performed by employees and estimate workers’ compensation rates. Businesses in industries with a higher risk of injury, like construction, tend to pay higher premiums than those in low-risk industries, such as consulting.

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    Previous claims

    Insurance companies look into a business owner’s previous claims when determining rates. Those with a history of claims often pay higher premiums because they are considered higher risk.

    In Utah, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) recorded 27,800 nonfatal workplace illnesses and injuries at private-industry businesses in 2021, the most recent year for which data is available. Meanwhile, more than two million nonfatal private-industry workplace injuries and illnesses were recorded nationally in the same year.

Do You Need Workers’ Compensation Insurance in Utah?

Utah businesses with one or more employees are required to have workers’ compensation insurance. On the other hand, businesses with no employees are exempt from maintaining coverage. These include sole proprietorships, partnerships and limited liability companies (LLCs) where the owners perform all the work.

Additionally, certain agricultural workers, casual or domestic workers and real estate and insurance brokers may also be exempt from the workers’ compensation system unless their companies elect to provide coverage for them.

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Employers in Utah that fail to obtain workers’ compensation coverage could face the following consequences:

  • Penalties of at least $1,000
  • Cessation of business operations
  • Loss of the “exclusive remedy” provision, meaning the employer or its employees can be sued for damages by an injured worker

What Does Workers’ Compensation Insurance Cover in Utah?

Workers' compensation insurance provides medical and disability benefits for employees suffering work-related injuries or illnesses. It helps cover medical expenses like doctor visits, hospital stays, treatments and medicine. It also covers the employee’s loss of income if they can’t work due to the injury or illness. Workers’ comp can also help pay for funeral and burial expenses if an employee dies due to a work-related injury or illness.

Workers’ comp can also prevent an injured worker from filing a lawsuit for damages, sparing the employer the costs of judicial litigation.

Workers’ Compensation Insurance Resources for Employees in Utah

Utah employees can learn more about workers’ compensation insurance by visiting the Utah Labor Commission’s Division of Industrial Accidents.

Employees who are injured or contract an illness while working may be eligible to receive workers’ comp benefits. They must report their injury or illness to their employer within 180 days. Then, the employer has seven days to report the claim to their insurance provider, and the insurer has 14 days to file a First Report of Injury to the Industrial Accidents Division.

Frequently Asked Questions About Workers’ Compensation Insurance in Utah

We’ve answered frequently asked questions to give you insight into workers’ compensation insurance in Utah.

Which company has the best workers’ compensation insurance in Utah?

Which company has the cheapest workers’ compensation insurance in Utah?

Does Utah require businesses to have workers’ compensation insurance?

How much does workers’ compensation insurance cost in Utah?

About Melissa Wylie

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Melissa Wylie is the Content and SEO Manager at MoneyGeek, with nearly a decade of editorial experience and six years of work in financial content focused on small businesses. She previously held SEO positions at Bankrate and LendingTree, with bylines on ValuePenguin and MagnifyMoney.

Wylie has a journalism degree from the University of North Texas. Her strong foundation in journalism helps her craft content that simplifies complex financial topics to help everyone feel confident when making decisions with their money.


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