Best Florida Health Insurance (2025 Plans)

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Why Trust MoneyGeek? We downloaded plan data for Florida directly from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). MoneyGeek’s scoring methodology balances costs, claims approval and plan types to find the best providers in the state.

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Plan data was updated with the CMS exchange data released in October for the 2024 enrollment period.

Plans Analyzed
Providers Compared

Overall Best Health Insurance in Florida

Ambetter has a MoneyGeek score of 81 out of 100, making it the best health insurance provider in Florida. The insurer has affordable plan options, low out-of-pocket costs and is better at managing claims than its competitors.

For this analysis, we evaluated 98 Silver plans in Florida, which included EPO, PPO, HMO and POS plans.

MoneyGeek Pick: Ambetter




Low premium rates


Minimal out-of-pocket costs


Few claims denied


Variety of plan options



Average score for plan variety offered


MoneyGeek's top pick for Florida's best health insurance provider is Ambetter. The provider offers eight unique Silver EPO plans, and eight Silver HMO plans at an average rate of $537 per month. The average MOOP cost for these plans is $5,400.

Ambetter offers both Silver EPO and HMO plans. EPO plans typically allow patients to see specialists without requiring a referral. The insurer has a denial rate of 14.84%, which is lower than most of the competition.

Plan Recommendations

MoneyGeek recommends the following Ambetter Silver plans:

  • Standard Silver VALUE around $518 per month; MOOP $9,100
  • Clear VALUE Silver around $520 per month; MOOP $5,400
  • Focused VALUE Silver around $529 per month; MOOP $8,000

Best Health Insurance in Florida for Low Out-of-Pocket Costs

Florida Health Care Plans offers the best health insurance in Florida for low out-of-pocket costs, with a MoneyGeek score of 79 out of 100. The company provides affordable plan options with minimal out-of-pocket expenses and boasts higher-than-average rates of claim approvals.

MoneyGeek evaluated 94 Gold and Platinum plans in Florida for this analysis, including 21 EPO, 48 HMO, 19 POS and six PPO options.

MoneyGeek Pick: Florida Health Care Plans

Florida Health Care Plans



Affordable premium rates


Low out-of-pocket costs


Few claims denied


Diverse plan options


MoneyGeek's top pick for the best health insurance in Florida for low out-of-pocket costs is Florida Health Care Plans. It offers nine Gold and five Platinum plans, which are metal tiers known for their lower maximum out-of-pocket costs. POS plans tend to have more out-of-network coverage, giving you more choices for doctors and hospitals. They offer an average plan rate of $630, and the average maximum out-of-pocket cost for these plans is $5,592.

Florida Health Care Plans has a denial rate of about 13%, which is lower than that of most of the competition.

Plan Recommendations

MoneyGeek recommends the following Gold and Platinum plans:

  • Gym Access IND Essential Plus Platinum POS 65 around $759 per month; MOOP $undefined
  • Gym Access IND Gold POS 4500 around $586 per month; MOOP $5,000
  • Gym Access IND Platinum POS BC 5841 around $742 per month; MOOP $2,500

(Note: The MOOP for the first plan is not provided in the given data, hence it is listed as "undefined.")

Best Cheap Health Insurance in Florida

Ambetter is the best cheap health insurance provider in Florida, with a MoneyGeek score of 80 out of 100. This company offers more affordable plan options and lower average out-of-pocket expenses. It denies fewer claims compared to other providers.

We evaluated 98 Silver plans in Florida for this analysis. This included 22 Silver EPO plans, three Silver PPO plans, 63 Silver HMO plans and 10 Silver POS plans. In determining the best provider, MoneyGeek gave more weight to plans with lower monthly premiums. However, typically, plans with lower premiums may incur higher out-of-pocket costs.

MoneyGeek Pick: Ambetter




Affordable premium rates


Low out-of-pocket costs


Few claims denied


Variety of plan types



Limited plan options with an average plan type score of 3.0


MoneyGeek's top pick for the best cheap health insurance in Florida is Ambetter. It offers 16 different Silver plans. The insurer has both EPO and HMO Silver plans available in Florida. EPO plans can offer lower out-of-pocket costs when you see doctors in the network. PPO and POS plans are unavailable, meaning they focus on managed care options with their EPO and HMO plans. It offers an average plan rate of $552, and the average maximum out-of-pocket cost for these plans is $7,809.

Ambetter has a denial rate of 15%, which is lower than that of most of the competition.

Plan Recommendations

MoneyGeek recommends the following cheap Silver plans:

  • Clear VALUE Silver around $520 per month; MOOP $5,400
  • Clear Silver around $537 per month; MOOP $5,400
  • Standard Silver VALUE around $518 per month; MOOP $9,100

Best Health Insurance for Low Income in Florida

Ambetter scores 80 out of 100 for offering the best health insurance in Florida for those with low income. Ambetter offers plans with below-average rates, minimal out-of-pocket expenses and fewer claim denials compared to other providers.

In Florida, for this analysis, we looked at 22 EPO plans, 63 HMO plans, 10 POS plans and three PPO plans. We placed more weight on plans with low monthly premiums and included only those with cost-sharing reductions to determine the top choice. These reductions benefit individuals within specific income brackets, so you don't have to choose between spending less each month and paying more when you need care. Here's how it works depending on how much money you earn in a year:

  • Earning between $27,180 and $33,975, you can expect about 73% of your health care costs to be covered.
  • Earning between $20,385 and $27,180, you can expect about 87% of costs to be paid for.
  • Earning less than $20,385, you can expect about 94% of costs to be covered.

The income levels vary based on how many people live in your house.

MoneyGeek Pick: Ambetter




Low premium rates


Low out-of-pocket maximums


Few claims denied


Various plan types offered


MoneyGeek's top pick for the best health insurance in Florida for those with low income is Ambetter. This provider has cost-effective plans for people who earn less than 250% of the federal poverty level. Ambetter offers eight Silver CSR plans at an average cost of $552 per month. The average MOOP for these plans is $6536.

Ambetter does not offer PPO or POS plans, which usually have more out-of-network coverage, but EPO plans, which Ambetter provides, often have lower monthly premiums. The company's denial rate is 14.84%, so it approves claims more frequently than competitors.

Plan Recommendations

Ambetter's top-rated plan provides lower out-of-pocket expenses for individuals across various income brackets, maintaining the same premium rate. Here are some of the lower overall out-of-pocket costs based on income levels:

  • 151-200% of the FPL: $520 per month; $1,600 MOOP
  • Up to 150% of the FPL: $520 per month; $550 MOOP

Best Health Insurance for Young Adults in Florida

With a MoneyGeek score of 80 out of 100, Ambetter ranks as the top health insurance provider in Florida for young adults. Ambetter offers affordable plan options with lower out-of-pocket costs and has a favorable claims approval rate compared to other providers.

For this analysis, we looked at six Bronze plans, 80 Expanded Bronze plans and five Catastrophic plans across different types of plans. Only young adults under the age of 30 can choose Catastrophic plans.

MoneyGeek Pick: Ambetter




Low out-of-pocket maximum costs


Few claims denied relative to industry average


Affordable premium rates available



Lower variety of plan types available


Ambetter is the top pick for young adults looking for health insurance in Florida. They offer eight Expanded Bronze plans and don't have any Catastrophic plans. These plans cost about $324 a month with a maximum out-of-pocket cost of $8,849 per year.

Ambetter does not provide PPO or POS plans in Florida. EPO plans usually require patients to use the insurer's network of doctors and hospitals. It offers an average plan rate of $314, and the average maximum out-of-pocket cost for these plans is $8,850. Ambetter has a denial rate of about 15%, which is lower than most of the competition.

Plan Recommendations

MoneyGeek recommends the following plans for young adults:

  • Choice Bronze HSA: $312 per month for 18-year-olds and $350 per month for 26-year-olds; MOOP $7,250
  • Choice Bronze HSA + Vision + Adult Dental: $323 per month for 18-year-olds and $362 per month for 26-year-olds; MOOP $7,250
  • Ambetter Virtual Access Bronze (Virtual PCP service): $328 per month for 18-year-olds and $368 per month for 26-year-olds; MOOP $8,550

Best Health Insurance by Plan Type in Florida

Health insurance companies have lots of different kinds of plans. In Florida, the best providers for all plan categories are:

  • EPO: Ambetter (MoneyGeek score: 77 out of 100)
  • HMO: Ambetter (MoneyGeek score: 81 out of 100)
  • POS: Florida Health Care Plans (MoneyGeek score: 60 out of 100)
  • PPO: Blue Cross Blue Shield (MoneyGeek score: 100 out of 100)

MoneyGeek's analysis shows only Silver plans. These Silver plans are a good choice because they help balance the amount you pay each month with the amount you pay when you get care. Silver plans are helpful for people who see the doctor or have health needs often. Florida has many Silver plans available. There are 22 Silver EPO plans, three Silver PPO plans, 63 Silver HMO plans and 10 Silver POS plans.

MoneyGeek Pick for PPO: Blue Cross Blue Shield


MoneyGeek's top pick for the best health insurance in Florida for Silver PPO plans is Blue Cross Blue Shield. They offer three Silver PPO plans. These plans have an average rate of $963, and the approximate maximum out-of-pocket cost is $8,083. The company has a denial rate of 17.4%.

PPO plans, like the ones from Blue Cross Blue Shield, give you the freedom to choose your health care providers. You also don't need to get a referral to see a specialist. These plans are also quite popular but can be pricier than other types, like HMOs. So, they're great if you want more choices and are okay with the higher cost.

We suggest the following Silver PPO plans from Blue Cross Blue Shield:

  • BlueOptions Silver 24J01-07 ($0 Virtual Visits / $40 Specialist Visits) around $994 per month; MOOP $7,150
  • BlueOptions Silver 24J01-03 ($0 Virtual Visits / $40 Specialist Visits) around $929 per month; MOOP $8,000

MoneyGeek Pick for EPO: Ambetter


MoneyGeek's top pick for the best health insurance in Florida for Silver EPO plans is Ambetter, which has eight options available. It offers an average plan rate of $552, and the average maximum out-of-pocket cost for these plans is $7,725. Ambetter has a denial rate of 14.84%, which means it rejects fewer claims than average.

Silver EPO plans have both good and bad points. You don't always need a referral to see a specialist with an EPO, which is convenient. But like HMO plans, you must stay in the provider's network unless you face an emergency, which limits your choices.

We suggest the following Silver EPO plans from Ambetter:

  • Clear Silver around $537 per month; MOOP $5,400
  • Clear Silver + Vision + Adult Dental around $555 per month; MOOP $5,400

MoneyGeek Pick for POS: Florida Health Care Plans


MoneyGeek's top pick for the best health insurance in Florida for Silver POS plans is Florida Health Care Plans. The insurer offers an average of five Silver POS plans. These plans have an average rate of $560, and the average maximum out-of-pocket cost is $8,370. The provider denies fewer claims than average, with a denial rate of about 13%.

Silver Point of Service plans provide a balance between cost and flexibility. They let you choose doctors inside or outside the network, but going outside it can cost more. These plans can be suitable for people who want to save money with in-network care but still have the choice to see other providers. However, they're not the most common option, and out-of-network costs can add up.

We suggest the following Silver POS plans from Florida Health Care Plans:

  • Gym Access IND Silver POS BC 0941 around $561 per month; MOOP $7,500
  • Gym Access IND Silver POS OA 1009 around $583 per month; MOOP $7,900

MoneyGeek Pick for HMO: Ambetter


MoneyGeek's top pick for the best health insurance in Florida for Silver HMO plans is Ambetter. It offers an average plan rate of $554, and the average maximum out-of-pocket cost for these plans is $8,061. The provider has a denial rate of 14.84%, which is lower than average, indicating it denies fewer claims than average.

HMO plans are common and tend to cost less than other types. However, you must stay in-network for services unless it's an emergency. You must get a referral from your primary doctor to see a specialist. These plans are good for lower monthly payments, especially if you have nearby in-network providers.

We suggest the following Silver HMO plans from Ambetter:

  • Clear VALUE Silver around $520 per month; MOOP $5,400
  • Focused VALUE Silver around $529 per month; MOOP $8,000

How to Find the Best Health Insurance for You in Florida

To get the best Florida health insurance plan, consider your budget and required coverage level. The following advice may prove helpful when buying health insurance.

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    Understand when a health insurance plan will cover you

    In-network health insurance means you receive care from health care providers approved by your insurance plan. Out-of-network means you see doctors not on your plan's list. In Florida, some plans let you see any doctor; others limit choices to save money.

    In Florida, there are various plans available. Some offer greater flexibility but come with higher costs, while others are more affordable but require you to choose from a list of doctors. There are three PPO plans and 22 EPO plans offered in Florida.

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    Weigh the cost of premiums vs. the cost of care

    When looking for the best health insurance, weigh the monthly cost against the max out-of-pocket limits. Your needs matter when choosing, as plans with low monthly payments often have higher MOOPs.

    If you go to the doctor often, a plan with a higher monthly fee but lower MOOP could save you money. A low MOOP means once you spend that amount, your plan covers the rest of your medical costs for the year.

    The Silver plan named "Clear VALUE Silver" has a MOOP of $5,400, which is the lowest among the Silver plans from Ambetter. It also has a monthly premium of $520, which is less than the average of $547 for all Ambetter Silver plans.

    If you find a plan with both a low premium and low MOOP that gives you good medical service access, it's a very good choice.

Consider Florida Medicare or Medicaid if You’re Eligible

Medicare is available to those 65 and older or with a qualifying disability or illness. It is a federal health insurance program that offers eligible people discounts on medical treatments. There are three components to Medicare:

  • Part A (Hospital Insurance): Covers inpatient hospital stays, nursing homes, some home health care and hospice care.
  • Part B (Medical Insurance): Covers preventive services and outpatient care, such as doctor visits.
  • Part D (Prescription drug coverage): Assists in covering the cost of prescription medication.

MoneyGeek also provides information for finding the top Florida Medicare Supplement and best Medicare Advantage plans in Florida.

Medicaid is a different federal program that offers health insurance to people whose income is below a state-set limit. Through several programs in Florida, families, children, pregnant mothers, elderly and disabled residents might be eligible for Medicaid benefits.

FAQ: Florida Health Insurance

Finding an ideal health insurance plan can be complicated due to concerns about price and availability. MoneyGeek answers some frequently asked questions to help you research options.

What is the best health insurance provider in Florida for 2024?

What should you look for when shopping for the best health insurance plan in Florida?

About Mark Fitzpatrick

Mark Fitzpatrick headshot

Mark Fitzpatrick, a Licensed Property and Casualty Insurance Producer, is MoneyGeek's resident Personal Finance Expert. With over five years of experience analyzing the insurance market, he conducts original research and creates tailored content for all types of buyers. His insights have been featured in publications like CNBC, NBC News and Mashable.

Fitzpatrick holds a master’s degree in economics and international relations from Johns Hopkins University and a bachelor’s degree from Boston College. He's also a five-time Jeopardy champion!

Passionate about economics and insurance, he aims to promote transparency in financial topics and empower others to make confident money decisions.

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