MoneyGeek in the News

Updated: January 26, 2022

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E-Contract Abuse Alert: How Car Dealers Can Fake Your Auto Loan

E-contract fraud in auto loans is on the rise. Not only may the online contract be nothing like the one you agree to, you may find you've even "bought" a car without realizing it.

Business Credit Cards Carry Hidden Risks

Business credit cards don't have to offer the same protections as personal credit cards, leaving you vulnerable to sudden rate hikes, changing due dates and more.

Millennials: Can Your Social Media Posts Boost Your Insurance Premiums?

Before you post that new great shot of you skydiving, partying, or zip-lining through the jungle, consider whether you want to share it with your insurance company. Because there's a good chance they're watching.

If You Can't Afford Auto Insurance, It's Probably Not Your Imagination

Drivers in predominantly black neighborhoods overpay for car insurance.

Is Your Used Vehicle a Timebomb? Loophole Lets Auto Dealers Sell Millions of Recalled Cars as Safe

Consumer groups charge a recent federal decision allows car dealers to market "death traps" to unwitting buyers. They suing over a legal loophole that permits a dealer to sell used cars with unfixed recall defects as "safe."

5 Risky Fundraising Mistakes All Entrepreneurs Should Avoid

All entrepreneurs make mistakes, but to make sure your great idea has the best chance of getting off the ground, avoid these.

Why Linked-In Is Not a Dating Site

A recent lawsuit underscores the notion that sexual harassment on the professional networking site is not business as usual.

Kids and Money Smarts? There's an App for That

Parents tired of nagging kids to do their chores may want to check out this online tool, which helps instill a work ethic and financial skills in a fun, kid-oriented manner.

10 Ways to Raise a Kid Who Can Handle Money (And Isn't an Entitled Jerk)

Your child's basic money habits are set by age seven, but it's not too late to turn things around.

Five Steps to Protect Your Retirement Savings from Fraud

It takes a lifetime of working and saving to build a nest egg to fund your retirement. Yet it's that nest egg that makes you so tempting to fraudsters.

Millennial and Self-Employed? 8 Tips on Landing a Mortgage

Freelancing has a lot of advantages, but it makes it harder to land a mortgage on a home. Here's how to close the deal.

Will Trump's Efforts to Weaken Consumer Finance Agency Allow Student Loan Services to Run Amok?

Critics say that if the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is crippled or destroyed by the new administration, this would be a bonanza for law-breaking loan companies.

7 Things to Teach Your Kids About Credit Cards Before They Leave for College

College students are flooded with credit card offers on and around campus. Here's what to tell your teen now (before they've got a card â€" or a big balance.)

12 tips for helping teens avoid theft at college

Half of all on-campus crimes are thefts. Here's how to help teens keep their laptops, smartphones, bikes, and other favorite things.

6 Financial Rules to Avoid a Homebuying Disaster

Don't hurt your chances of getting a slice of the American dream. If you're buying a home, avoid these missteps.

Death by Floatie: Why You Can't Take Your Eyes Off Kids and Ocean Toys

My brother and I couldn't swim, but we loved the beach with a passion. Everything was glorious until my brother slipped out of his floatie.

Electric Fidget Spinners Are Catching on Fire - Literally

Bluetooth-enabled fidget spinners have caught on fire while charging in buyers' homes, leading experts to warn never to let them charge unattended or while you're sleeping.

The Hidden Pitfalls of Balance Transfer Cards

Balance transfer cards can save you thousands of dollars, as long as you know how to use them. Here's what to avoid.

Amid GreyBall Investigation, Uber's Reputation Continues to Take a Beating

Unlike most state-run cab companies, Uber has set up shop in cities without permission and does not require that its drivers be fingerprinted. State governments say it should follow the same safety regulations as cabs.

Brain Changes in Older Adults Raise the Risk for Financial Fraud

New research suggests that age-related neurological changes can make it difficult for older adults to detect suspicious behavior and other warning signs that people may be untrustworthy, potentially putting elders at higher risk for financial fraud.

Selling Your Home? How to Get the Most for It

When it comes to curb appeal, you only get one first impression. Ask your real estate agent to tour your home and give feedback before you put it on the market.

Planning to DIY That Wiring Project? Better to Hire a Pro

Even experienced handymen (and women) know this is a job for a professional electrician. Here's why.

The Parent Trap: Avoiding Hiccups When Buying from a Family Member

Family heirlooms like a treasured wedding ring or a handmade quilt can be passed down with relative ease. But when the heirloom is a house, the process becomes more complicated.

Exploding Hoverboards Cause Fatal Home Fire

More of these toys are being recalled after two girls in Pennsylvania died in a hoverboard-related fire. Meanwhile, one consumer group has declared hoverboards should not be sold at all.

Uncertified "Grey Market" Parts for Car Repair May Undermine Crash Safety

Four out of five auto replacement parts are uncertified for quality and safety. This means a key part may shatter on impact instead of protecting you in a car crash.

How to Get Denied for a Mortgage After Preapproval

Among the sure-fire ways to get denied for mortgage after you're preapproved: loading up on debt, moving large sums of money and quitting your job to become an entrepreneur.

Fidget Spinner Hazards Overlooked in Global Rush to Market

A consumer watchdog groups has just called fidget spinners out of the 10 most dangerous toys available this summer. One reason: fly-by-night companies have evaded toy safety standards.

Online Romance Scams Are Fleecing More Americans

The FBI says romance fraud is booming, with most of the victims tending to be widowed or divorced women in their fifties who are all too ready to believe online con artists' avowals of love - and financial need.

Beware These Rental Scams

With vacancy rates dwindling and rents soaring in many markets, schemers see tenants as easy marks for their scams, which are often perpetrated on Craigslist and other sites.

A Look at Home Ownership Through the Ages

The introduction of the 30-year mortgage and the GI Bill are among the milestones that brought home ownership within the reach of millions of Americans. Here are the major home ownership landmarks in our history.

Pet Diary: Why Dog-Friendly Campsites Beat Out a Four-Star Hotel

When it comes to traveling with Fido, a ritzy hotel can't hold a candle to a dog-friendly campsite.

California Clears the Way for Universal Healthcare

When it comes to Trump's policies on climate change, immigration and healthcare, California is marching to a different drummer. Its state Senate just passed a bill for universal healthcare, which would cover everyone in the state. The only issue: How to pay for it.

Fidget Spinner Choking Hazard Alarms Parents

The ubiquitous spinning toys may pose a greater risk than annoying your child's teacher. Read more in this month's questionable products roundup.

Raising Backyard Chickens for Fun and (Potential) Profit

You love your new backyard chickens. Unfortunately, so do raccoons, hawks, coyotes, foxes and other varmints too numerous to mention. Here's how to keep your flock safe and productive.

Turo's 'Airbnb for Car Owners' Helps Consumers Pay Off Auto Loans Faster

Some car owners are using the car-sharing service to rent their vehicles out to complete strangers for a few days a month, and making a big dent in their car payments in the process.

4 Home-Buying Hacks for Millennials

If you're a recent grad who wants to buy a home but thought it was out of reach, here are some tactics to make that happens.

9 Mistakes to Avoid When Getting a Car Loan

If you need auto financing, avoid these potholes on the road ahead.

FDA's April Recall Roundup Enough to Put You Off Food for a Few Days

Some minced golf balls with your hash browns? Food were recalled this April for reasons that may make you want to pass up your next meal.

Far from Entitled, Millennials "Are Similar to the Great Generation"

The myth of the spoiled, entitled millennial is one that financial expert Beth Kobliner would like to dispel.

Popular Home Renovation Shows may Be Behind Spike in Power Tool Injuries Among DIYers

The enormous popularity of home renovation may be partly responsible for a dramatic jump in power tool injuries among DIYers. Here's how to stay safe.

Traveling: How to Keep Homeland Security Away from Your Cell Phone

At border checks, any traveler entering or leaving the United States may ave his or her cell phone seized without a warrant. Learn more - including how to avoid this stunning violation of privacy.

E-Contract Abuse Alert: How Auto Dealers Can Fake Your Auto Loan

E-contracting fraud in auto loans on the rise. Not only may the online contract be nothing like the one you agreed to, you may find you've even "bought" a car without realizing it.

Showdown Between California Car Dealers and Consumer Advocates Over E-Contract Bill

A bill to permit e-contracts in auto financing in California alarmed consumer advocates and attorneys representing victims of unethical auto sales. It was ultimately defeated.

From Dog Food to Ladders, March Was a Busy Month for Recalls

What do a dried pig's ear, a magnetic tic-tac-toe board and a collapsing ladder have in common? No, they're not clues in a hot new murder mystery. They're among the dangerous products recalled by federal safety agencies this March.

Text While Driving, Pay...$10,000? Why Draconian Punishments Don't Work

In Alaska, until recently, texting while driving could result in a $10,000 fine and a year in prison for a first offense - even though research suggests harsh punishments don't stop impaired driving. Why don't more states and courts use strategies that will?

Why Some Millennials Aren't Smiling: Bad Teeth Hinder 28% in Job Search

Millennials are suffering from tooth pain and untreated cavities at record rates, which has affected many even in their ability to socialize and interview for a job. How can they get past the barriers of cost, inconvenience and lack of dental insurance?

Fraud Alert: Watch Out for These Tax-Season Scams

In early March of 2017, the phone rang. Caller ID suggested it was from the IRS. My tax scammer had returned. The IRS warns taxpayers that imposter scams, W=2 phishing and tax refund fraud is rampant right now during tax season.

Mortgage Preapproval: Step #1 in a House Hunt

If there are multiple bids on the table and yours didn't come with a preapproval, your offer will languish at the bottom of the pile.

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